Reptile Syndicate Club

2,546 members

ReptileSyndicateClub is a collection of 8,000 unique NFTs, randomly generated by programming and lives in Ethereum blockchain. Check our twitter:

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Bored Camel Caravan Club

1,817 members

1 bored camel NFTS that live on the etherum blockcahin.

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Great Brains Club

1,774 members

We are the Brains of the Metaverse! We focus on financial freedom and helping new investors strive towards their goals. We give crypto/nft insights on various projects. We pride ourselves in knowledge hence the name!

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Exile XCIX

1,077 members

For centuries and through dimensions, a governing elite 1% have put in place rules, regulations and restrictions to control the ‘remainder’. Outcast from their own dimensions, a gang of Exiles band together to fight for the remainder.

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Doonz NFT

678 members

Doonz NFT is a collection of 10k pixel art NFTs on the polygon blockchain, ready to be minted by you. Sounds interesting? Join us now! 👊

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Spirits Of Africa

676 members

Spirits of Africa is an NFT project inspired by bringing Africa closer to the world by showcasing African mythology.

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Sharp Bunnies

462 members

Join the SharpBunnies NFT Community. #NFT #NFTsales #NFTGiveaway #NFTCommmunity #NFTGame #NFTdrop #NFTs #NFTartist #NFTMint

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332 members

An NFT project on the Songbird Network.

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246 members

PEDRO DUCK is an exclusive NFT collection built on the Ethereum blockchain. With a total of 2000 NFTs in the collection, each one is a unique piece of digital art that represents a member of the club.

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236 members

🧪Get ready to discover over 10,000 unique and super rare Apeoid NFTS which represents something bigger, bringing unending future benefits to owners across the metaverse🚀 which will go live on the Ethereum blockchain.💎

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CollectiObama NFTs

104 members

Collection of 10,000 pop-art portraits of the 44th president of the united states.

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97 members

DivinationDAO is a membership NFT on Ethereum blockchain with utility privileges to access the members-only section where divination techniques are introduced to the members to help them to decipher solutions or seek answers to their unanswered questions

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