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1,244 members

Best Legends Of Legends, Valorant, Fortnite,Marvel Rivals, Counter Strike 2 Script, Palworld , Elden Ring, Resident Evil 4, Roblox Games, Grand Piece Online, Sekiro.

EldenSoulsBorneKiro Porn

396 members

We’ve got Elden Ring, Dark souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro Hentai!

Firelink Pub

16,618 members

Hello Hello, welcome to Firelink Pub! One of the biggest FromSoftware Discord Servers! The server is run by FromSoftware fans, made for FromSoftware fans. Enjoy your stay, long may the sun shine!

Sandy's Elden Ring Hub

6,448 members

A cozy and friendly server for Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, and other Soulsborne games. We're a welcoming community where you can find boss help & coop partners, free runes/souls and gear drops & trades, build-making advice, PvP matches, and much more!


5,048 members

This group is designed by and for Elden Ring gamers! Here we can summon, trade, PVP, and co-op with other group members.


317 members

Bem-vindo ao Souls Like Brasil! Aqui, fãs de dessa franquia se juntao para se divertir trocar ideias e jogar, é só isso

Elden Ring

96 members

A chill Fromsoft server mostly dedicated to Elden Ring.


17 members

Sme Cz SK Comunita ludi ktory Ktory sa navzajmo podporuju Maju rady hry Futbal Hokej Športi Anime A Mangu sme Priatelski a bereme medzi seba každeho

Taverna de Limgrave(the tru…

16 members

Somos almas sombrias viciadas em soulsborne, junte-se a nós para destronar tiranos, e dar início a uma era de Escuridão. (We are dark souls addicted to soulsborne, join us to dethrone tyrants, and usher in an age of Darkness).

The Souls Community

424 members

Welcome to THE SOULS SOCIETY, the Eldritch Sanctuary of the Soulsborne Universe!

Moonlit Pub

5,419 members

Moonlight Core is the unofficial community discord server for Armored Core discussion and pvp matchmaking. We also have a host of support channels for other FromSoftware titles such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls.


What are Discord servers?

Discord is a website and mobile app that provides text, voice, and video communication through community created “chat groups” called 'servers'.

While there's a huge range of Discord servers out there, not all of them may appeal to you. Using Discadia you can browse through thousands of servers, search, and filter by tags. Discadia uses a proprietary algorithm to deliver you the best Discord Servers that you're likely to be interested in.

What is a Discord Server List?

A Discord Server List is a website that provides a way for you to find the Discord servers that you're looking for. A Discord Server List such as Discadia is a place where you can advertise your server and browse servers promoted by relevance, quality, member count, and more.

How do I join a Discord server?

Discord Invite URLs are used to join Discord servers. Discadia provides “Join” buttons, click that button to join a server.

Note: The invite for a server may be expired or invalid and we cannot provide new invites. Only server owners can update the invites on Discadia. We automatically remove listings that have expired invites.