Valheim - ICARUS

18,950 members

Valheim and ICARUS Discord community server with our own dedicated servers, active LFG, Tournaments, game discussion, advertising and more! Join the action today!

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924 members

➢ Serious discussion about UFOs👽, UAPs and Extraterestrial Life ➢ Share your Sightings 👀 ➢ We accept every opinion! ➢ Nice Community ➢ Selfroles

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Psychology Nerds

316 members

A server fostering high quality discussion on both academic & non-academic pursuit: Psychology; Free Resource; Philosophy; economics and much more. Members from all the walks of life are welcome to join! Trolling will lead you to instant ban.

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Asymptotes | Technological Sing…

155 members

A server to discuss theoretical/hypothetical science, highly exotic original sci-fi concepts, hard sci-fi, sci-fi in general. Also a discussion area for in-development sci-fi settings, with a specific focus on the hard-ish sci-fi setting "Asymptotes".

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Honor of Kings Asia

4,721 members

⋆୨୧˚ 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗹𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗮𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟬+ 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻𝘀 ˚୨୧⋆ (All regions are welcomed to join us) 🌸 Looking For Teammates / Team 🌸 Game / eSports / Help Discussion 🌸 HOK Contents & Livestreams 🌸 Mini Tournament

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211 members

18+ dark and macabre discussion server

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 …

1,678 members

Call of Duty: MW3 Discord Server with, MW2, Vanguard and Cold War active LFG, Tournaments, game discussion and more!

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52 members

A series of stories about crime, politicians. Hamilton remake in progress, shown. Channels for lore discussion, art and other stuff is being worked on. Voice actors (any) needed We have cool bots, rp sandbox, art channels and game nights.

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Political Compass Memes 6

237 members

Political discussion and shitty meme community

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Hunxho Official

316 members

Official Discord Server for discussion and Information about Hunxho a Young and Talented Artist!

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Armored Core 6

5,620 members

Moonlight Core is the unofficial community discord server for Armored Core discussion and pvp matchmaking. We also have a host of support channels for other FromSoftware titles such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls.

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38 members

A server for everyone and everything! we have alot of channels about alot of topics! Such as: discussion channels about guns, history, memes, etc. Dm me for what else i should add in my server. Everyone is welcomed in kekoborea! And enjoy your stay!

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