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Discord Study Developer

87 members

Bot yapmayı öğreticez Yardım amaçlı Bir Kurulum.

Healthy Developer

68 members

HD a community focused on mental health of us == software developers

Developer testers

27 members

Hello! Join for roblox developer help!

Pocket Developer Community

26 members

Bem vindo a Comunidade de desenvolvedores! Este server é sobre game engine em geral e compartilhar seus projetos, não se esqueçam de ler as regras e aproveitarem sua estadia aqui!

► DevCon • Dein Developer p…

20 members

> ENGLISH Hi guys we are a Minecraft minigames network we are looking for you and will be happy that you come to our Discord server we offer you cool minigames that you have never seen before Greetings from the SymtoxNET Team

Server Developer

12 members

Developer Server

Developer's Realm

12 members

Number 1 Cheapest Roblox Development Market!

Bot Developer Lab | Code Sh…

153 members

Bem vindos ao mundo da programação e desenvolvimento de bots!

Developer Studio

12 members

Developer Studio for you! We can make for you a Discord bot, Web Game , Website , Server Minecraft and more and more. Join in the my server!

Game Tester

22,491 members

Game Tester brings gamers & developers together from all over the world - rewarding testers for providing fast & detailed feedback at scale.

Developer Italia

452 members

Benvenuto, qui potrai trovare una community dove scambiare idee, pareri e codici!


What are Discord servers?

Discord is a website and mobile app that provides text, voice, and video communication through community created “chat groups” called 'servers'.

While there's a huge range of Discord servers out there, not all of them may appeal to you. Using Discadia you can browse through thousands of servers, search, and filter by tags. Discadia uses a proprietary algorithm to deliver you the best Discord Servers that you're likely to be interested in.

What is a Discord Server List?

A Discord Server List is a website that provides a way for you to find the Discord servers that you're looking for. A Discord Server List such as Discadia is a place where you can advertise your server and browse servers promoted by relevance, quality, member count, and more.

How do I join a Discord server?

Discord Invite URLs are used to join Discord servers. Discadia provides “Join” buttons, click that button to join a server.

Note: The invite for a server may be expired or invalid and we cannot provide new invites. Only server owners can update the invites on Discadia. We automatically remove listings that have expired invites.