
74 members

Hi there! This is a trading discord. I post personally FREE signals, notes, helpful tips, and videos. Host free classes to go over things people need help with! Looking to build a community of like-minded individuals. Join Today!

Bulls & Bucks

106 members

Helping my community achieve financial freedom. I post daily stock, crypto picks, and educate our users about stocks. We have fun discussion and a lot of good content, come check it out.

gaming and realaxing room

51 members

In my Server are all members Friends and wa are super Frendly and we have a gaming room.

Discord Stock Exchange

334 members

The Discord Stock Exchange is a community built as a Virtual Wall Street Trading Floor. For well established Traders & Market Participants.


1,384 members

Stock market traders featuring alerts from reknowned Analysts like Moneybags, MrStocks, DKNG, Chromswings and StonkKing. Also, professional Technical analysis and education from RocknStockChik!

Bullrush BETS

4,598 members

Investing watchlists from US stock market, CAD stock market, crypto and everything in between. Very active chat room with all the information and entertainment you need. Let’s get paid.