The Legend Of Zelda: TriFor…
Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Timelines! We are a Zelda RP server inspired by many Anime such as Jujutsu Kaisen, Naruto, Bleach, and so on. Come on in, make an OC, take a Canon Character, and have some fun!
◓Pokémon: Legend League◓ 18+
--[Pokemon: Lewd League]-- An (e)RP server where you can play as your favorite Pokemon character, or even your own Original Character! We offer a mix between ERP and Story Driven content. All forms of RP are welcomed and encouraged here.
Strefa Ligi Legend
Zdarza ci się że nie masz z kim pograć w ligusie i szukasz kompana do gry? Zapraszamy na serwer! Does it happen to you that you have no one to play league with and you are looking for a companion to play with? We welcome to the server! PL / ENG
Legend Sports Picks
Save yourself the time and money of looking all over different discords, choose legend and get access to multiple in one.
Avatar: Legend of Nations
Um servidor de rpg focado em avatar, crie seu personagem ou apenas converse conosco