
Red Springs

Eldergrove, a kingdom of magic and mysterious phenomenon, shelters a unique set of human beings classified as Canid-Lupine Shifters. They have been known to take the form of wolves (Lupine) and dogs (Canid) which harbor an affinity of the magical arts, excluding the forbidden Dark Arts. Alas, not all are so humble when using their gifts which were supposed to be for the betterment of all Canid-Lupine Shifter kind. Specifically, those favoring the Lupine descent, the Darkwood Kingdom. These misguided deeds were partaken in to make up for those who had little magical affinity, which later brought a lot of destruction for disrupting the natural order of nature, examples are arts favoring necromancy, draining life from living things to stay young, etc on the people of Canid descent. They saw them as cheap imitations of their wild brethren, so why were they blessed with higher magical sense than them? This enraged those who fell into this oppression, causing quiet hatred to spiral into outright war between the two kingdoms. Amidst the chaos of war, the King and Queen of Eldergrove were blessed with a pup of high magic essence, spelling an impregnable foothold for the future king/queen of Eldergrove’s unquestionable sovereignty. However, with such a weight on their shoulders, will they succumb to the pressure or overcome it for the sake of world peace? ⚠️ The roleplay will contain a lot of drama, fantasy, realistic fiction, thriller, gore, (NSFW+) events and many other exciting times. We are in need of many members to join our cast, and you can even make up your own as long as they follow with the plot lines. ⚠️ 🌻 Server Offers : 🌻 ❥ Regular Discord Channels ❥ IRL Channels ❥ Roleplay Category ❥ Self Promo and so much more! 🌸 Roleplay “requirements” : 🌸 ❥ have OC be full wolf or dog - but ability to shapeshift to human form ❥ be fun! 🌺 Roleplay Details : 🌺 ❥ LGBTQ+ ❥ NSFW+ ❥ Role requests allowed ❥ Your own OC created!

lgbtq+ fantasy roleplay kingdoms wolf roleplay hybrids dog roleplay nsfw+ rivals
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What is the server invite for the Red Springs Discord server?

The invite link for the Red Springs Discord server is

When was the Red Springs Discord server created?

The Red Springs Discord server was created on May 14, 2024, 11:14 p.m. (1 month, 1 week ago)

Is the Red Springs Discord server NSFW?

Yes, Red Springs is marked as NSFW, meaning it should be viewed with discretion and only by mature audiences.
