
1,096 members

A server dedicated to just finding out who you are and making lifelong friends. Explore with us with diverse topics, anime, games, or just talk. We're here to listen.


18 members


10,449 members

A small community based from Mobile Legends, feel free to connect with each other.


113 members

Dansk Game Server. - CS-GO, OW2, Apex Legends, Valorant, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, MultiVersus.


563 members


Gamer pals

574 members

We are a 16+ gaming server that thrive on having a place for all who join! We have many different events that are hosted from time to time for all to enjoy and bring others together.

Cow & Nature Army

77 members

Minecraft, Memes and more!


17 members

Founded in December of 2021, we are looking to expand our roster into many other different game titles! Apply today through our discord server!

My Horses Are Held

39 members

A dark academia/royal-core-themed and beginner-friendly environment to hang out! Join us and be a little less bored :))

Peepo — Gaming Hub & Emotes

1,897 members

Peepo Land’s main purpose is to act as a center for individuals within the gaming community to squad up and play any game together.

The 675th Legion

802 members

The 675th Legion is a Clan that was created back in 2017. Since the Clans creation we’ve worked hard to create a friendly Non-Toxic Clan & Community.

Positive Gamer Squad

98 members

Bunch of positive people playing games.