Northwall Expeditionary For…
This fictional military is looking for fresh new recruits in the world of Grand Theft Auto, the group is very new so there are lots of HR open positions in it so if you would like to join just come to the server and fill the application.
The Seventh Theater
Now part of SmashCords! Unite with us and hang out with the most mature adults. Talk in our hybrid server. Play Smash Ultimate, Pokémon, or Splatoon. Watch streams and promote your own. The place is not just Deven's hangout, it's everyone's hangout!
Warzone | SOL
Rising Ethereum gas prices spawned a new version of CryptoPunk on the Solana protocol. A Punk that has never been seen before was born - Warzone Punks.
|ARC| Army Roleplay Communi…
A ROBLOX based ARMY ROLEPLAY COMMUNITY. Check out our new FUTURE APOC BORDER RPG today! (All links in our server.)
Project Harvest RP
Project Harvest is a Halo RP done using Arma 3 and mods through the steam workshop to create an interesting RP experience!
Ciao, sono Teo ( T3011 ). Sono un ex militare dell'Esercito Italiano e lavoro tuttora nell'ambito della sicurezza. Come passatempo gioco e sono appassionato di videogiochi e di simulazione rp, sopratutto riguardante le Forze dell'Ordine.