Kink Boys
This is an LGBTQ+ Kink Server, Our goal is to make this a fun and welcoming server for kink-minded people and newbies. Everyone is welcome.
Chill gaming
This server is a chill server, It might be small but we will grow and become big. It is mainly a social server
Dee’s Coffeé Shop
Welcome to the server! Please make sure to do a few quick things before getting cozy~ 💕lgbtq And Anime Friendly 💕Amazing Gaming Community 💕Custom Roles And Channel 💕Subscription/loyalty Base Channel Looking For Discord Boosters
Cheesebag Collective
We are an active and accepting community that plays games and just hangs out with each other on vc. Holds periodic movie nights.
🌸 JoJo│Social•Egirls•Fun•Gaming•Chill•Anime•Nitro 🌸
skum's pond
Games, memes, icebergs, socializing, freedom, creativity, and much much more! Come splash in the pond!