MeMo Hub
We have a l lot of memes in our server which you can download or post :)
Politics server™
Our server is about discussing politics, we enjoy listening from both sides of the argument and want to be a neutral, opening and welcome place for people to chat about politics from around the world!
Anime City
We have lots of fun bots to mess around with for gaming, music, ranking, roles selection etc. We have lots of channels for memes, media and art share, industry news and releases notifications.
Ancom Decentral
A leftist (not so much tankie) community server, that's a welcoming safe space for LGBTQIA+ individuals
Fb meme group turned into an active community with multiple topics from gaming, stocks, memes, dating, vchat nights to sports etc. Adults only. AMXF oriented. Access requires age & identity verification.
Share Your Channel
Share your channel is a discord server made for you to advertise your youtube channel. Advertising in this server can lead to very easy growth.
YouTube Squad
YouTube Squad is a server dedicated to improving content creators and making new friends along the way.
A Art Server Which Provides you with Assets which help Gfx Designer Including Content Creators We have assets of many games which will Help Each and Every Content CREATOR! Get in here and Enjoy We keep Uploading and updating assets
Ecruski's Realm
This server allows you to meet new people and chat with others about different topics. You can exchange ideas, participate in games hosted by the staff, and much more! Be sure to read the rules first!