🎉 A community of web-writers and readers from different platforms and countries🎉
the cozy cavern * ˚ ✦
the cozy cavern is a place for all adult creatives to call home. whether you are an artist, a poet, or a roleplayer, you will find home with us. this server is 18+, but completely SFW.
Health Hustlers
Join Health Hustlers for fitness, mental wellness, self-improvement, and fun group challenges. Become a moderator and unlock exclusive chats and voice meetings. Elevate your life with us!
The Power Triad: Fitness, B…
Create the best version of yourself, from a financial, physical and mental standpoint.
Come for the fanfiction, stay for the friendship. We are the oldest and original HP Fanfiction Discord server. We even pre-date discord!
chill chat - aphex
aphex is exactly the place that sinks into the soul from the first second.
make intros make friends
Come join if you need friends. If you're just bored or if you just don't fit in. You can socialise! Make jokes! Laugh at memes! There's music! Anime/movies/series/manga/manhwa/manhau ect. Including arts/crafts. And many other things.
Geriatric Gamers 30+
Geriatric Gamers 25+ | Social Gaming Community | Nerdy Topics | Nerdy Gamers | Friendly members!
bunni wrld :3
bunni wrld provides chat, friends, vcs, games and more! :3 make sure to read the desc!
kola's server :3
This is a server for chatting and making friends! Pls join im desperate.