The Happy Path
Hi! Welcome to The Happy Place! We are a all inclusive mental health server!
Kutsal Kitaplar
Tevrat, İncil ve Kur'an'a inanıyoruz. Peygamberleri Allah'tan ve birbirlerinden ayırmıyoruz. Tümü için "İşittik ve itaat ettik." diyoruz. Tevhitten sonra ikinci esas olan tasdik ilkesini temellendiriyoruz.
/r/Exmormon Official
A place to find support and community over our shared experience leaving the LDS faith
Islamic Thought
A server dedicated to high standard conversations around Islam, comparative theology, and philosophy, while also being a platform to keep each other up to date on what we ought to know about the world around us.
Sun Temple
Come hang out in a strange server.18+ Meme mods , don't join if you can't handle rough play. Sun worship is a theme, not a requirement. Home to oddballs and 'based' varied opinions on everything from the Sun to Neptune.
The C.A.L.ers (Catholic Ans…
A server dedicated to Catholic Answers. We promote Catholic apologetics and evangelization.
Mount Sinai
Hello, we are a Christian Discord server that is founded upon Biblical Morals, we have many features such as weekly sermons and bible readings, for more information be sure to check out the larger ...
Multigaming community which developing and operating multiple game servers , aswell we hosting cracked eco,avorion,project zomboid and 7 days to die server!