☆:.* R/GOODREADS DISCORD SERVER .:☆ We are a safe and inclusive environment to share and talk with other readers. We are dedicated to bringing fun monthly events that will get you reading and making friends! !
meet new, chill and very friendly people. A server where you come to socialise, talk about different topics, life, anime, games, make friends and just chill in peace. Join here and have a really great time. We're a fun, non-toxic community!
Petit serveur furry français :p toujours en dev, on vient de l'ouvrir !
Beefcake Battle League
We are a Pokémon battling community focused on permitting only less used and under-appreciated Pokémon in battle! If you are looking for a unique challenge and a friendly community, this is your place!
「18+」Meru's Modded Scraft
This is the Discord Server for a Minecraft Server primarily focused on Schnurri_tv's Sex Mod!
Indie Park
🌟 Rejoins notre communauté passionnée de jeux indépendants. Networking, giveaways, promotions intelligentes, gamejams, IA créative, et support communautaire t'attendent! 🚀🎮
Groupe Anti-RDR
"Groupe Discord vibrant, liant des amies aux liens parfois ténus avec la dope. Unis par l'amitié, bravant les règles, prenant des risques. Un espace d'audace,d'complicité. Traçant des chemins inattendus. Explorez, avec précaution."
Scamstars is a community of people who enjoy their hobbies and want to connect and make new friends
Danganronpa : Seαвed oғ Dαr…
Je suis la Fonda du serveur ! Ceci est un serveur Danganronpa français ! Le rp est original et intéressant ! Tout le monde est sympa alors n'hésite pas à rejoindre !