sigma shop

sigma shop

what we currently offer: Buy coins as low as 0.02$/m ($20 for 1bil) Sell coins as high as 0.02$/m ($20 for 1bil too) min 500m more coming soon WHY SO CHEAP? our prices are really cheap for a few reasons: as a new shop, we need to bring in more new customers.That is why we implemented invite rewards and discounts as well as the cheapest rates available** on the market rn we need to build a reputation and get vouches so we become more trustworthy to the eyes of everyone to scale our infrastructure and sell more items like accounts and proxies or even profiles, we need funds first

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What is the server invite for the sigma shop Discord server?

The invite link for the sigma shop Discord server is

When was the sigma shop Discord server created?

The sigma shop Discord server was created on Oct. 24, 2024, 2:13 p.m. (4 months, 3 weeks ago)

Is the sigma shop Discord server SFW?

Yes, sigma shop is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.
