

Discord Rules: - No spamming (text chat or voice), doing so will result in a 2 week mute. - No advertising or self promoting, this will result in a mute or ban depending on content. - No posting of images of, or links to, anything illegal. No discussing illegal activities. Doing so will result in a ban from our Discord based on the severity. - No posting of IP grabbers or suspicious links, as this will result in either a 2 week mute or being perm banned. - Keep all shit talk and NSFW posts in ⁠:coffee:┊memes . Posting of nudity (porn) or racist messages will result in being muted or banned based on severity. - No racism, racial slurs or racist comments, this will result in a 2 week mute, and then a ban. - Keep #admin_support channel clean. This is for requesting support from our admins. Anyone caught spamming it will be muted for 2 weeks. We will always be reasonable and rational when we apply bans and mutes. (edited) September 12, 2022

gaming photography movie nights cafe all ages family friendly make friends


What is the server invite for the Indiana Discord server?

The invite link for the Indiana Discord server is

When was the Indiana Discord server created?

The Indiana Discord server was created on Sept. 3, 2024, 4:56 a.m. (6 months, 2 weeks ago)

Is the Indiana Discord server SFW?

Yes, Indiana is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.
