

GRIND Are you looking for a chill new place to make friends? Perhaps a place of refuge to lay back and relax after a long day? Or are you merely looking for a way to use a little bit of your free time? Well look no further than our discord server where we offer all of that and more! We are a semi-toxic hangout that is welcome to anyone 15+ that wants to join! We pride ourselves on our moderation and fast growing community. There’s a little bit of something here for everyone- 🔥 15+ 🔥 💥 Fun bots! 💥 🍂 Reaction roles 🍂 ✨ Cool people!! ✨ ☘️ A variety of channels!!! ☘️ And much more, all waiting to be explored!

chill gaming anime hangout sfw 15+ safe for work semi-toxic
members online


What is the server invite for the GRIND Discord server?

The invite link for the GRIND Discord server is

When was the GRIND Discord server created?

The GRIND Discord server was created on Jan. 29, 2024, 3:57 a.m. (7 months, 3 weeks ago)

Is the GRIND Discord server SFW?

Yes, GRIND is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.
