
FemBoy Party

Hello sweet boys and girls. welcome to our cozy femboy server, your actions are limited only to a brief summary of the rules, but otherwise you can do whatever you want. chat, post memes, listen to music, make friends. The server will welcome you with a kind and sweet community, in which everyone will find a place for themselves. Come in and see everything for yourself! Здравствуйте, милые мальчики и девочки. Добро пожаловать на наш уютный фембой сервер, ваши действия ограничиваются лишь кратким изложением правил, а в остальном вы можете делать все, что захотите. общайтесь, публикуйте мемы, слушайте музыку, заводите друзей. Сервер встретит вас добрым и милым сообществом, в котором каждый найдет себе место. Приходите и убедитесь во всем сами!

friendly femboys comminity
members online


What is the server invite for the FemBoy Party Discord server?

The invite link for the FemBoy Party Discord server is

When was the FemBoy Party Discord server created?

The FemBoy Party Discord server was created on July 6, 2023, 6:03 p.m. (11 months, 2 weeks ago)

Is the FemBoy Party Discord server NSFW?

Yes, FemBoy Party is marked as NSFW, meaning it should be viewed with discretion and only by mature audiences.
