
Dawn fm

This server a for fans of weeknd, and if ur not a fan u can still join and make friends, when u do join please stay active to keep the server alive, for now (22may) it just got released and so it's quite dead but if u active it will be fun, please be respectful and follow the rules, u can choose ur roles, please promote it if u can , join and enjoy, thank you

community fun chat fan weeknd dawn fm music fan
members online


What is the server invite for the Dawn fm Discord server?

The invite link for the Dawn fm Discord server is

When was the Dawn fm Discord server created?

The Dawn fm Discord server was created on May 21, 2024, 4:38 p.m. (1 month ago)

Is the Dawn fm Discord server SFW?

Yes, Dawn fm is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.
