
CSGO Balkan
Trazimo aktivne csgo igrace (faceit, mm, fastcup) Sto bi igrali sa stranim igracima kad mozete pricati sa nasim ljudima. Cilj nam je da se okupimo u sto vecem broju i da se zabavimo
What is the server invite for the CSGO Balkan Discord server?
The invite link for the CSGO Balkan Discord server is
When was the CSGO Balkan Discord server created?
The CSGO Balkan Discord server was created on March 7, 2023, 7:54 p.m. (2 years ago)
Is the CSGO Balkan Discord server SFW?
Yes, CSGO Balkan is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.