
Café Verbal
We're thrilled to have you join our friendly community. Feel free to dive right in, meet new friends, and engage in exciting conversations. Remember, this server is all about enjoying and having fun together, so let your creativity and enthusiasm shine! Before you jump into the action. نحن سعداء بانضمامك إلى مجتمعنا الودود. لا تتردد في الانخراط وتكوين صداقات جديدة والمشاركة في محادثات مثيرة. تذكر، هذا السيرفر يهدف إلى التمتع والمرح.
What is the server invite for the Café Verbal Discord server?
The invite link for the Café Verbal Discord server is
When was the Café Verbal Discord server created?
The Café Verbal Discord server was created on July 26, 2023, 9:49 p.m. (1 year, 8 months ago)
Is the Café Verbal Discord server SFW?
Yes, Café Verbal is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.