Pagan Leftist Union
We are a server dedicated to left-wing paganism and to the left-wing side of paganism. We are one of the very few servers of its kind. We welcome all kinds of socialists, communists, Marxists, and leftists as long as they are respectful to paganism and to the pagan gods as well as all pagans are welcome as long as they are respectful to socialism, communism, Marxism, and leftism. We also support pagan liberation theology, and we stand for left unity and class unity as well. And we support no war except class war. And we focus on the social liberation and on the class struggle side of the gods, of the divine, and of paganism, and the messages of both three regarding social liberation and class struggle. LGTBQIA+, OTMSN+, and Plurals are welcome as well. The gods are communist and we must unite ourselves for turn Earth communist and divine. Divine socialism (theosocialism) and divine communism (theocommunism) are the way.
What is the server invite for the Pagan Leftist Union Discord server?
The invite link for the Pagan Leftist Union Discord server is discord.gg/Pt4cG4ZYxJ
When was the Pagan Leftist Union Discord server created?
The Pagan Leftist Union Discord server was created on April 30, 2023, 1:43 p.m. (1 year, 10 months ago)
Is the Pagan Leftist Union Discord server SFW?
Yes, Pagan Leftist Union is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.