About Discadia
We're on a mission to promote and inspire collaborative community building.
By the numbers
Discord Server List
Automatic server sync & invite expiry checker
Your listing is automatically synced daily with your server (name, icon, etc) and listings with expired invites are automatically hidden.
Collaborate on your listings
If your staff has 'admin' or 'manage server' permission, they can edit your listing on Discadia.
In-house algorithms
We're constantly working on the algorithms for the server list and emoji list to show you the best results. If search seems off or you have an idea to improve results, let us know!
Discord Emoji List
Search by color
All emojis are scanned for what color they have so you can search by the name of the colors, e.g. 'red', 'green', 'blue'.
Discadia Community
- Open a support ticket
- Get help from the community
- Send your feedback