Mental Illness Chill Spot

1,053 members

A server that is a safe place. A great community that is like a family. A place to communicate your feelings and not feel alone.

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The ND Otaku Club

38 members

Looking for a place to make neurodivergent friends? Or share and relate mental health experiences with others?! Also looking to talk about anime or manga and even role-play?? —Well— The Neurodivergent Otaku Club is the place for you!

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15 members

Stap binnen in een warme en ondersteunende gemeenschap voor mensen met autisme in Nederland en België.

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The Feywild

59 members

Looking for a Discord server that's a little off the beaten path? Our community is all about having a good time and embracing the weird and wacky. We love dark humor and silly antics, and we're always looking for new members who share our sense of fun.

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Monkey toe lickers

25 members

Hello! welcome to Monkey toe lickers. This is a server with active people looking to make more friends. the rules are 50% ironic, and we don't really have any. feel free to join and have fun!

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Disability & Neurodivergent Pot…

542 members

Small, friendly server - anyone welcome. Place to hangout, find new friends, people to game with, watch movies together, discuss issues, seek advice, and meet people with similar experiences.

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604 members

This server is designed to help neurodivergent people connect with like-minded friends.

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⋆。˚ Autistic Games Room ˚ 。⋆

40 members

ପ૮๑ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ๑ აଓ This is a safespace for women and nonbinary people over 21 years old ✦

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37 members

The DamianBoy’s Server intends to promote our soon-to-be-released game.

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195 members

NOT lgbtq safe space minimalistic server free speech only rules are no cp, gore or blacks

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Losers bar 2.0

31 members

A comfy discord servers to make frens and chill. Everyone is welcomed

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Autistic Guild – Aŭtisma Gildo

418 members

The home on Reddit of the nascent 'Autistic Republic' movement which aims one day to achieve the establishment of a sovereign autistic entity in the form of a commune, city or nation state.

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