
800 members

Disfolk is the perfect place for discussing folk music of any country. Here you can find listeners of Traditional Folk, Folk Rock, Folk Metal, Neofolk, etc. Feel free to share any music you want and make new friends.


3,136 members

🤖 Add our spectre bot for cool features like leveling, ticket system, corona country stats, server store, spectregames, music, NSFW and much more:

The 48-X Confederation

15 members

Need the experience of living in a digital authoritarian country that regulates everything? Be a criminal, a law-abiding citizen, a success, a failure, make a business in literally everything you want, but don't forget you taxes!


20 members

A new country on Discord that is totally not suspicious at all. Become a resident! Glory!

Deutsches Kaiserreich

46 members

We are a cyber country thats social-monarchist Germany, I am striving to get 1500 members which i really dont even need you to be active I just would like a lot of members, but it also is for a reason dealing with cyber country things.

AppGallery Europe

17,215 members

I'm Iris, the admin of the AppGallery EU. 🎉 We have exciting plans for EU-level tournaments, giveaways, and a more responsive support system. 😎 Free game codes for trending games like state of survival, Lords mobile and other 30+ mobile games!


13,900 members

U4GM is a professional COD services site. Many players know us and used our services during MW2. We not only provide high-quality services but also provide competitive prices. All services are safe and guaranteed!

Louise & Fred Metaverse Hai…

11,160 members


World War 0x

2,466 members

A browser based, first person shooter built on Polygon.

Cricket Nations

832 members

Join this amazing cricket server, Good server for cricket fans all around Talk anything you want, treat this server like your home 🏡

Heavnn for geo-independents

575 members

We develop a product for a community of digital nomads and remote workers willing to optimize their taxes and save thousand of dollars per year with the right setup.

Buy/Sell Marketplace

438 members

A marketplace where you can buy and sell items. Users can post items they have for sale or post item requests. .