Bei B1RDFR1NDS dreht sich alles um die Community. Wir schauen zusammen Anime, reden über alles mögliche und zocken zusammen Games. Es gibt kein vorgesetztes Setting, wir sind immer offen für Vorschläge aus der Community.
Revesto's Army Discord
Welcome to Revesto's channel, we are a small community trying to grow the server by making friends, sharing ideas. we treat everyone as a family . Feel free to join
The Closet
The official discord for creator JacketOTC as well as a community ground for Twitch streamers and The
Sovngarde Prime
Hiya! I created this place as a gaming discord to keep up to date on all the latest content for my Twitch channel! However it has mostly become a gaming channel with occasional game updates. Feel free to hang out and meet new people~
Joint server for Luna-Tics podcast on Twitch. Sections for thedabree and stephydbunny the co-hosts of the gaming and spiritual variety podcast.
The gaming community is a diverse and passionate group of gamers united by their love for video games. Together, they celebrate and enjoy the world of gaming.