✍If you are a student that needs help completing any programming related task📚, join this server and a verified tutor shall help you out🎉
A community for Student Entrepreneurs and Startups - Find collaborators, introduce your startup, get hired, share resources, and more! UpStart - GCES is a community dedicated to helping students in their entrepreneurial journey.
for terminally online people. a safe haven for the neurodivergent. accepting community of any types of people. hosts blog postings for content creators as this is primarily an art student esque deal. this place is not for the faint of heart.
MetaRan's server
MetaRan🐼 is a MMORPG built on the Polygon Network. Players will be starting as a student in one of three schools, and complete quests to clean up the area, and compete with the other schools through PvP to be rewarded with $Ran tokens.
Assignment Guru
Study Mate is one of the first rising student server (high school, collage, and University), it has tutors who help students complete their assignment nd Homework.
Misf0rtune C00kies C0llecti…
Solana-based NFT collective. (Mis)F0rtune C00kies for all whitelisters :) Each project is determined by the community. Current project is Education based, directed towards students paying off their tuition and student debts.
Best Black Friday Cyber Mon…
Best Mac App Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deals 2021 for Student, Videomakers/Editors, Musician/Compositors, Photographers, Business people, etc: MacApps, Games, Lifetime Deals, Pro Video/Audio/Photo Apps, Mac App Bundles, VPN and more
Next Generation Diplomacy
Student-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit aimed at promoting and sharing sustainable international development.
WE ARE AN ACTIVE-FRIENDLY SERVER that can fulfill all the needs whether you are a student or a gamer. WE have it all.🦾 A server where you would not regret to enter. A server providing almost the same power as a mod to the members.
Study Vibes
Stuck at home, but loads of homework from school? 📚 No classes yet and exams coming up? It must be difficult to motivate yourself to tackle the school work when you're alone. Guess what? You're no longer! ☀️