JDM Flair Car Community

8,642 members

πŸ”΄DISCORD.GG/JDMπŸ”΄ πŸ† - talk to other real car owners. πŸ’¬ - say hi and someone will reply. 🌎 - Content from members to enjoy. πŸ–€ - Up and coming top car community. πŸ”₯ - 430+ emotes for those nitro users.

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541 members

Need a server to vent your emotions, feelings, thoughts? Join.

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Beloved Memories πŸ’—

405 members

A SFW literate Persona roleplay server.

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346 members

Our main goal is to help smaller content creators grow, provide a safe/enjoyable environment for you to find collab & build relationships!

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P And The Gang

292 members

ULTIMATE Gaming network for viewers and streamers as we offer entertainment channels, competitions, FREE GIVEAWAYS and more for all our viewers and fans but also for our streamers we offer a sponsorship programme to help your grow your community!

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Mikoven Studios

247 members

The official server for the development updates about the mikoven project Mikoven Project

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239 members

WELCOME TO THE COLLAB. This server is our own repository of known friends gamers across the years of this multiverse.

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201 members

Welcome to AMERICA! Here we civilly debate on present day topics in the news and more! We want people to understand and respect each other even when we do not agree with each other. ENGLISH ONLY, THIS IS AMERICA

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victoria's casita

197 members

A college student Twitch streamer trying to create a community of my own. Come share your interests, clips and play Valorant with us!! :)

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Space Network Alpha

184 members

Welcome to Space Network! We're students who got tired of game links being blocked by school filters. So, we created our own proxy links and set up a Discord server to share them.

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Geotubers Community Official

138 members

🌐 Welcome to [Geotuber Community]! 🌍 Embark on a thrilling GeoTuber adventure with us! πŸš€ Share your globe-trotting

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Midnight Obsession 21+

105 members

Join us in making friends, Hanging out and being free from sensitivity and drama!

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