Art Code

5,971 members

This is Discord Community Server for Language Learning | Coding | Music | Art & Design | Startup Talks | Gaming | Book Club And More Fun...

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1lyovu's server

31 members

aspiring concept/game artists corner. heavily digital art focussed offering a ton of free ressources art discussions, inspos, refs, brushes, etc come and share ur art. I wanna see dat :-)

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Digital Art

4,325 members

A great place to get to know other artists, exchange advice and feedback, and help each other to get better at our craft.

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- Dead -

76 members

🌐 The Interweb is a community of tightly knit friends who share, chat about and critique each other's works, get together to talk and play games, and make connections to new people. Our community is safe, well moderated and almost 2 years old! 🌐

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