
5,535 members

Welcome to our vibrant Youpranik's Discord server! Join our passionate community of WEEBS!!!

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420 Social Club | ° Nitro Givea…

506 members

Hangout and chill

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208 members

a server for people who are really just so done with everything going on in life :’)

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De-Weebification Zone

74 members

Do you want to live a normal lifestyle, away from anime? Then dive into DWZ, where fellow anime-lovers break free from stereotypes and redefine 'normal' through self-growth and real-world adventures.

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My Hero Academia ~ Plus Ultra R…

14 members

A world where luck needs to be on your side the moment you're born. What if I told you that you could live like this? You could choose who you want to be, if you want to be a good human of society and fight off evil, or, be that evil and defeat hero's.

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BNHA Tears of the Hero System

49 members

Tears of the Hero System is a BNHA RP Server that takes 2 years after the defeat of the iconic villains All for One and Shigaraki. Make your OCs or claim a canon character and get ready to experience a never before seen roleplay experience!!

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Your Essential Nexus

13 members

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The Midnight Muse

10 members

An Anime and Community-driven server with almost no members. Y'all should change that :)

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𝑀𝑜𝑜𝓃𝒸𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓋𝑒✨💜🌙

62 members

Welcome to Mooncats Cove, dedicated to all things anime, manga, gaming, cosplaying, and fostering friendships! We are a passionate community of like minded individuals who share an immense love for Japanese culture and its various forms of entertainment

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17 members

Friends, games, fun bots and more :3

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MHA: Fates Reloaded フェイト

83 members

A literate canon-OC hybrid MHA roleplay server, where players take on the roles of UA's 2nd Year Heroics Students, balancing their own hero journey with mentoring junior heroes-in-training from classes 1-A and 1-B.

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217 members

an active chating and get-together, hangout server for people around the world. Welcome to the minatsu "which means beautiful summer" Discord server!

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