Fortnite Market


šŸŒŸInterested in šŸ›’-Buying or šŸ·ļø-Selling your fortnite account? We present to you The Fortnite Marketā„¢. The safest, most reliable šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’»digital market on discord currently with over 5 000 completed dealsšŸ›”ļøJoin us today !

šŸŽ…ćƒ»Sokac Development

6,259 members

Sokac Development Is The Best Development In The Balkans!


542 members

zagreb_cord! join if you're from zagreb (dobrodoŔli su i drugi stanovnici hrvatske)

Team Nation

512 members

Team Nation Easports **Fortnite tim** **Aktivan Staff** **Nismo toxic** **Givaweys/event**

sped nation

389 members

- basically no rules - just dont be a snowflake have fun :)

Galerija ā‘±

291 members


238 members

Aktivan staff team, aktivan chat


168 members

Strimer i kliper, i zelim podici i ostvariti veliki community i uzivati sa ljudima!!

āœ© Silly Car āœ©

160 members

This server is for making friends and chatting with other people! we play games like genshin, her and more! Visit usā¤ļø


140 members

Hajdeni mer e chillim ton naten cuna goca kalojm kohen si pa pun qe jemi

Legacy Syndicate

126 members

Self Improvement/Trading


124 members

NaŔ Discord Server zasniva se na zabavi, igranju, druženju i joŔ mnogo toga. Posjetite nas i uvjerite se zaŔto baŔ Vi trebate igrati, družiti se i zabavljati na naŔem serveru. VaŔe prisustvo nam mnogo znači, hvala na pažnji !