Dota 2 Community
Новый сервер, свежий. Хочеться собрать хотябы маленькую часть, атмосферных, веселых ребят для игры в доте. Сервер пробущен мною, обещаю следить, и дорабатывать уже сегодня. Зови своих друзей))
Tribe Vibe Community
Sneaker Releases, Host Podcast or Cooking Show and so much more black empowerment.
Rains community
A little server to grow, achieve those goals together while becoming a community!
Pocket Developer Community
Bem vindo a Comunidade de desenvolvedores! Este server é sobre game engine em geral e compartilhar seus projetos, não se esqueçam de ler as regras e aproveitarem sua estadia aqui!
Joarder OP Community
This is a very useful minecraft discord server for content creators.
Linux Community
Just a normal Server where you can chilll ,game and just do some techstuff
⁂ 𝓗𝓣 Community! ⁂
Es un pequeño servidor que se esta empezando desde 0 (por el momento esta en construcción)