Tribe Vibe Community
Sneaker Releases, Host Podcast or Cooking Show and so much more black empowerment.
meaningless community
a server by incels, for incels. near lawless and ruleless.
Wasteful Talent community
Wasteful talent is focusing on merging several art varieties into one unique piece of art. We are driving this participative action by connecting people through both technology and digital art . We want everyone to be a part of this art movement.
Dota 2 Community
Новый сервер, свежий. Хочеться собрать хотябы маленькую часть, атмосферных, веселых ребят для игры в доте. Сервер пробущен мною, обещаю следить, и дорабатывать уже сегодня. Зови своих друзей))
Nous sacrifions leur paradis, l'humanité vaut ce prix.
⁂ 𝓗𝓣 Community! ⁂
Es un pequeño servidor que se esta empezando desde 0 (por el momento esta en construcción)
Joarder OP Community
This is a very useful minecraft discord server for content creators.
A server for 0r3n Anim8s's Community, this server is made to chat, hangout and share art/ideas