yuukai's store

62 members

Social Media Boosting

Fraction Services

1,033 members

Fraction Services is the #1 trusted marketplace/service provider on discord. With our brand new server wipe we have great deals and are quickly building stock!

Kristerinss Digital Shop

109 members


Cheap Services

1,860 members

The Most Affordable Social Media Boosting Service We provide cheap, quick, and top-notch social media boosting services! We currently have more than 1000 services for all the popular social media platforms.

Viral Boost

3 members

Looking to expand your social media platforms? Looking to resell social media marketing? Join our discord and access our database of bots that can be used for a wide variety of reasons, pranking your friends, or actually boosting your socials!

Dereson Kim Server

214 members

this server will teach you everything from scaling your tiktok account to online business model that made me 5 digit a month as well as a marketplace where you can sell social media account including tiktok, youtube, snapchat, etc


312 members

This server is a great fit for those you want to enjoy a positive, anti bullying and humorous space. We offer many activities, many functions, and we make sure everyone is feeling okay, comfortable.

Account Market

93 members

Marketplace for all sorts of accounts, Buy and Sell video game accounts or even social media profiles. Save money and grow your pages๐Ÿ“ˆ


94 members

ViralWizards is a social media engagement and popularity boosting server which guarantees to improve and make your social media life reach more people. We offer a free 100k views (only on TikTok, Telegram, Twitter) to our new members!

| Social Media | Marketplacโ€ฆ

221 members

In this server you can blow up your socail media for a very small price. We got multiple services. Like 1k tiktok followers for only 5 dollar! Or 1M Tiktok Views FOR JUST 4 DOLLARS!! AND MUCH MORE! JOIN NOW!!!

Minecraft and People

12 members

Aiden's Lounge

11 members

This is a discord where players can meet and join each other on all sorts of games and it also comes with a self promo channel for your social medias.