The Coffee Shop (CS)
This is a discord general community - which is not limited to any single objective but includes talking, gaming, chilling, programming, helping related to computing and related. Languages spoken here: (Urdu) (Hindi) (English for international members).
The SpringLordTrap's Server
¡Un Servidor para Fans de FNaF, Gamers, Otakus, y más!
Linguistic Universe
Learn a language and improve your language skills in a chill space-themed server !
Roya Edition
Roya is the first NFT marketplace based out of Stockholm. For the people by the people. Launch in Feb -2022
Adventures of Phox
This server is centered around my web Comic, Adventures of Phox! On this server, you can share your own works, socialize with the fanbase and communicate one on one with the author.
ALmighty Official©
Are you looking for a Sponsor, eSports, Organization & social experience? Then you've come to the right place!
High Dimensional LightFamil…
Spiritual developrment & various teachings of all kinds. A Transcendental Uplifting Server that helps with Ascension, Lucid Dreaming, Positive Mindset, Philosophy, Intellectual debate, Transcendence, Occultism, Theology, Religion, Politics And Guidance.