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Lol Community Discord Servers

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Brotherhood of Gamers

169 members

Krocząc samotnie ciemną uliczką, napotykasz tajemniczą postać. Nie widzisz twarzy, lecz słyszysz głos, który przemawia do Ciebie: -Witaj, nazywają mnie Prorokiem. Widzę, że samemu kroczysz drogą gier wieloosobowych. Przytakujesz.


178 members

Micro community based around social activities such as hanging out, playing video games, and meeting new people. Both English and international. We are open to suggestions on how to make our server even better!


261 members

**WORK IN PROGRESS! NOT FINISHED** This server is: welcoming, supportive of creative expression, a nice (in progress) community and a chill place to vent. Not always active, but I'm (the owner Steph) mostly online We offer crossover discord promotion