HiddenGeek Gamers
A server dedicated to streamers, gamers, anime lovers, and socializing! A place to chat, have fun, and enjoy the company of other people who have similar interests as you! A place to look for other gamers to help you online and achieve goals!
Squads y Retas Latam
Server de Warzone para buscar squad y armar partidas También se juegan otros juegos como Among Us, Rocket League, Overcooked 2, Smash Bros Ultimate, etc.
Glace & Esper's
Shiny hunting // Dynamax adventures // Giveaways // A family friendly environment for us all to coexist in! // Community led suggestions to get the changes YOU want for the server // and much much more...
Myalo's Animal Crossing Hor…
An NSFW Animal Crossing Discord, for those on night owl ordinance.
The Tetris Boys
We talk about Tetris and other fun things like movies, anime, video-games, etc. We like to keep things chill and just have a good time.