Midnight’s Discord
93 members
This server has got many features, for example forums, self-roles with 51 colours, userphones, venting, infractions, polls, your own temporary channel, and much more!
Yopari - German Gaming Coll…
244 members
Wir sind ein neuer/ moderner Server mit freundlichen Mitgliedern! Rede mit Freunden oder schließ neue Freundschaften. ➥👼- self Roles ➥📻- Radio ➥💬- Sehr aktiver Discord Server. ➥ 📊- lvl System ➥⚙️- Temporäre Talks ➥🎁- Gewinnspiele
82 members
Please don't join the server if you aren't going to talk in it at all. We want new members, but not ones that won't ever talk in chat. Do keep that in mind.