Barraco Homossecual 🤤

50 members

Procurando um servidor sem muito mimi e pra se divertir? Ta esperando o que? Vem nos conhecer! 🍡 Temos: Staff ativa ⚙️ Bots como mudae 🤖 Parcerias 🤝 E uma comunidade deboas 🌼 Vem nos conhecer!

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2 members

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66 members

best discoal server evar,,,

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alt forest

18 members

whether you are empath, sociopath or normal or wtvr for neurodivergent, mentally ill ppl as well as healthy to socialize. pdos and psychos are allowed if they want to control themselves, if they have genuine remorse or desire to change

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41 members

social art hangout for handout social art pppl and not for silly individuals who are sill and stuff hahaaha 😅

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48 members

cute server tehe >.<

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pasture portal

11 members


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603 members

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My Mom Online

73 members

Join us in celebrating the unique intersection of being both Black and Jewish. We look forward to getting to know you and building a vibrant community together in "Black Jew Online"!

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walter makes you white

17 members

Based Anti-woke Anti-snowflake Join if you're not a minority or a mutt Female owned Low mod 16+

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79 members

a blackpill server that is toxic and very under-moderated

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Vishnu Groypers

14 members

new server. complete freedom of speech with limited moderation. everyone is welcomed but incels, deathnics, neets and autists are preffered.

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