HiddenGeek Gamers
A server dedicated to streamers, gamers, anime lovers, and socializing! A place to chat, have fun, and enjoy the company of other people who have similar interests as you! A place to look for other gamers to help you online and achieve goals!
The Feywilds
Hello! This server is for the gamers and chillaxers alike! We have plenty of channels for gamers to form groups and parties, while also allowing more relaxed members to have places to chat and have fun. It is an open server for everyone!
Odd Jobs
╔══╗ 🏔️**__Emirates Night Lights__**🏔️ ╚══╝ Welcome everyone to our nightclub! ╭**__WE ARE NOW OPEN!__**╮
Executive Empire
The Executive Empire is a group of gamers passionate about delivering the best content possible and helping each other reach their goals. We focus on QUALITY over quantity and are a safe, fun and rewarding server. We're not some community, we are a family