
108 members

We're a friendly community waiting for members! - Learn about Tech here - Discuss openly (swears allowed) - Free giveaways - Self Promo (Read Rules about getting permission)


151 members

Advertize is one of the many advertising servers on discord, but what makes us stand out? Well...


11,878 members

Free mentors🤑💰 Cryptocurrency Mentors🤑💰 Binance Mentors🤑💰 Foraign Investors🤑💰 Motivational speaker🤑💰 International Members🤑

Outrun Exotics

6,058 members

Outrun Exotics is a procedurally generated collection of synthwave cars. Holding an Outrun Exotic also serves as an entry pass to an exclusive club of like minded car and NFT lovers.


22,668 members

NSFW/Anime/Hentai Server If you're looking for a nice Group Chat for H-anime related stuff ! You're welcome to join the WeebStop™ server and our 1.3K members it's free!

Cinema Lovers

184 members


The .wlroo Community

4,721 members

The .wlroo Community is a design server. Here we focus on the design of any kind, however, everyone is welcome to come and chat!

BratZ Gang

264 members

Hey y'all. This is a community/gaming server meant for everyone. Members are Non-toxic and friendly. Feel free to join and Grow the server <3

Free Roblox Groups

278 members

Join here to get free Roblox groups no personal details or downloads there is a youtube guide on how to do it


386 members

Are you interested in NES Tetris? If yes, this server would be something for you 💎 It is a server with lots of interesting statistics, roles, emojis, channels, and cool members! Feel free to join! 🙋🏻‍♂️

Anime Enthusiasts

778 members

This server is an exciting and chill server that is opened to anyone between the ages of 12-19! This server contains: -React Roles -Music bots -Streaming channels -Age oriented chats -Many channels -And much more! Feel free to join!

NextGen Sports Betting

731 members

THIS IS FREE! No paid premium at all! Live callouts with 120+ active members, research bots, owners and mod team active daily, Instagram presence, etc. We dedicate different channels on our server to LIVE CALLOUTS you can follow from trusted members!