

We are a fun community from countries all over the world. A place to hang out, make new friends, play games, participate in events and activities, or just to keep yourself busy! No matter what your race, gender, sexuality, and beliefs are. As long as you are nice and act appropriate, we will welcome you to the server with open arms! Talk to the amazing and welcoming people in the community through chat or voice! As the server is neon, but also café themed, we would like to give developers and people who are interested in becoming one their own special place, as if they were in a café. We have over 30 bots that will keep you entertained! Fun bots to use when you are bored or just feel like doing something in the server, alone or with friends. We have huge bots like Dank Memer, Pokétwo, and Mudae, but also a custom bot with many commands. We have a few music bots for you to use, to listen to music without being interrupted by advertisements! Listen to music by yourself or with other members, we will be having parties in the voice channels! We have a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft SMP for you to play on! We aim for weekly updates, little things that keep the server interesting. Play alone or with people from the neon community, have fun playing Minecraft! We host fun activities almost every day! Discord voice activities, bot games, Mafia games (murder mystery), Gartic games (drawing), and events with money prizes. Introduce yourself to the rest of the community, make a good first impression, meet new people, and make new friends! That's what we are about, giving people a place that allows them to be themselves and make new friends. Interested in joining the neon community? Get in touch with our amazing and welcoming community, today!

music community gaming programming bots development events cafe emojis neon
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What is the server invite for the neon Discord server?

The invite link for the neon Discord server is

When was the neon Discord server created?

The neon Discord server was created on Feb. 16, 2024, 8:06 p.m. (7 months ago)

Is the neon Discord server SFW?

Yes, neon is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.
