

FreeBSD is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system descended from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), which was based on Research Unix. The first version of FreeBSD was released in 1993. In 2005, FreeBSD was the most popular open-source BSD operating system, accounting for more than three-quarters of all installed simply, permissively licensed BSD systems. FreeBSD has similarities with Linux, with two major differences in scope and licensing: FreeBSD maintains a complete system, i.e. the project delivers a kernel, device drivers, userland utilities, and documentation, as opposed to Linux only delivering a kernel and drivers, and relying on third-parties for system software.

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What is the server invite for the FreeBSD Discord server?

The invite link for the FreeBSD Discord server is

When was the FreeBSD Discord server created?

The FreeBSD Discord server was created on Feb. 23, 2020, 11:42 p.m. (4 years, 6 months ago)

Is the FreeBSD Discord server SFW?

Yes, FreeBSD is marked as SFW, meaning it should only contain topics that are safe for a work environment.
