Ready to meet new fun people? Join Our Community for Giveaways, Free Games and General hangout
Jujutsu Kaisen | - | 呪術廻戦
Welcome To Jujutsu Kaisen | - | 呪術廻戦! A new, fun, and amazing animanga community themed around the extremely popular anime Jujutsu Kaisen!
caw-caw cult
A server for discussing anime, books, writing, art and memes. (LGBTQ friendly 🌈)
Gamers for M.E.
Do you want to help raise funding for biomedical research into ME/cfs and Long Covid by playing video games and stream on Twitch or Youtube? Then join Gamers for M.E., a community that aims to make a change for millions missing from their lives!
You either play or stream games? Our server if for you. We are a gaming community for everyone.
a place where you and the boys who can hangout, game and stream. all are welcomed
Fire Force
We are a server dedicated to bring you the latest developments from the series, including manga news, merchandise releases, cast updates and more. Our goal is to unite both cast and community into one centralized location!
Deets Boyz
We are a gaming community! We love warzone and help each other grow on stream! Hop in and squad up!
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙖𝙛𝙚 𝙕𝙤𝙣𝙚
Hello! *18+?* Looking to join a new and rapidly growing community server based around making friends? Look no further.
Stock market traders featuring alerts from reknowned Analysts like Moneybags, MrStocks, DKNG, Chromswings and StonkKing. Also, professional Technical analysis and education from RocknStockChik!