Anime Empire
Anime Empire is a Porn, Hentai and Anime Community were all the weebs can unite and talk about similar interest and Roleplay!
Faintedge unites people who share an interest in working out and aims to make them enjoy the experience of going to the gym more. We provide workout motivation through friendly competition and gamification of fitness.
The server is a great place for other game devs or just fans of the company to chill and show their interest in the game while also joining in on the decision process of the game.
Gamers Ground
Gamers Ground is a gaming community that's organized by a group of gamers who came together with common interest in a single game or series.
👾Planet Gamers👾
Planet Gamers is a server that is made for everyone to hang out and play their favorite games with friends and other people. It is a way to meet new people that may have the same game interest as you and a way for you to expand your friend group!
Want a non toxic server? Active? A ton of emojis? And a server with a coquette theme with tons of channels that will suit your interest? Look no further!
If you are looking for a friend or a dating relationship then check out this server u may find someone of your interest.
Blix Network
Blix is a community with diverse interest and goals. Express the best version of your self. Engage with other members of the community.
Welcome to the Jelly Squad, here you can find lots of people with the same interest as you. I am a small streamer, trying to grow my small community. We have movie/anime nights in the discord. And we also have some game sessions too.
Development & Tech Template…
DevHub is a programming Discord server. Everyone who has an interest in programming is very welcome here. It does not matter if you just started or have been doing it for years..
𝐍𝐞𝐝’𝐬 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 !!
Ned's Funhouse is a community server where everyone can get along. Your able to share your interest and build friendships!!