Homework Help

387 members

Join for immediate Chegg/Coursehero unlocks. Free. No cooldowns.

Assignment Guru

2,459 members

Study Mate is one of the first rising student server (high school, collage, and University), it has tutors who help students complete their assignment nd Homework.


1,861 members

Learn to trade and invest in Crypto, Stocks, Forex, Options, Real Estate and more!

Inquire Aviary

131 members

Inquire Aviary is a community server to connect with aspiring ornithologists, birders, and/or bird lovers! It's a great server for ecology and science lovers as well!

The Line Sniper Community

503 members

Sports betting advice and over nine popular sports conversations for only the biggest sports fans. 114 members in just TEN days... So join now.

Twist Tutors

1,222 members

Our server specializes in tutoring and advising those in need for free!