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🔴 Không tìm được 1 server liên quân đúng nghĩa ư? Hãy đến với Elite!
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Martial Law DayZ
NEW US PC 1PP PVP PVE Expansion server Chernarus Law IP The economy in our server is based mostly on weapons trading, hunting, fishing, collecting silver, drug trading, bounty hunting, zombie/player kill streak rewards
Всім привіт, ми з України! Спільнота [UA] 𝔏𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔬𝔫 є дружньою та підтримуючою, де раді кожному. Прорив Арени Нескінченна Україна , Дельта Форс
DeadCity420 DayZ Servers | …
Come and join us for an PVPVE/RP experience on A Dead City420 18+ ages only! We are a community of 100+ members and only opened a few weeks ago. Everyone enjoys the server so far so WE GARUNTEE you will too!
DayenTech's FragFest
Welcome to DayenTech's FragFest! Brought to you by... Fragoo, Chunky & Insta-Chunky Salsa! Taste the Fire Heretic!
We are friendly to all ages we do dank giveaways every 2 days friendly staff we offer plenty bots we consider all suggestions Dank memer and ○w○ gw's WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE SERVER
HS36 1
Server that is made for mobile gamers who want to find good teammates and want to recive news about gaming community