- Dead -
🌐 The Interweb is a community of tightly knit friends who share, chat about and critique each other's works, get together to talk and play games, and make connections to new people. Our community is safe, well moderated and almost 2 years old! 🌐
The Fatui Harbingers
The Fatui Harbingers, much obliged to see you. A small, friendly server that revolves around Genshin Impact. We offer.. -A friendly community -Friendly Admin -And if you’re a bot person, fun bots ——— Please dm @SENPAI if you need something
The Chocolate Factory
Just a fun server to come and hang out, meet people who play similar games, and make friends! We are always looking to grow, so invite your friends!
Gaming Circle
Gaming Circle, The right destination for Gamers and Programmers.
Ciao, sono Teo ( T3011 ). Sono un ex militare dell'Esercito Italiano e lavoro tuttora nell'ambito della sicurezza. Come passatempo gioco e sono appassionato di videogiochi e di simulazione rp, sopratutto riguardante le Forze dell'Ordine.
God has left the chat
This server is for everybody mostly gamers but anyone can join you can use this discord for playing games with some fellow members send memes or you can even use it just to chat with people. This server is pretty edgy so beware if your easily offended
Welcome! This is the friend server where we talk about anything and hangout please don't be inappropriate have fun and be nice.
The Fam!! :)
This is my discord server with music bots, dankmemer, and others. It’s a small server I’m looking to grow! If you would like I would love it if you joined!!!💖
Kieran's training ground
Just a chill place to talk about gaming and anime, although more focused on the dragonball side of both.