Hell Vision
Advanced Roblox Exploits. We are in public testing which mean's that you can use our scripts for free. First 5 people that join get a free key when exploit launches on beta.
Koders | Code & Tech
Koders is a friendly community for all coders, tech lovers, designers, and everyone else! One of the most diverse role selections for your programming languages, work types, hobbies, and much more.
Developer's Keep
Programmers Palace is an open and helpful community for people of all experience levels who are interested in programming or computer science.
D&N Communications
ETHICAL-HACKING We are a team of people with the same interests here to learn Computer Science and even Computer Engineering!
Coders Grotto
Coders Grotto is a server which programmers can join to help each other with anything programming related. Showcasing your current projects or sharing ideas is also available in this server.