The Initiative [ARCHIVE]
The Initiative is a multi server community, offering multiple verities for multiple types of players. With custom features and expansive content, you will feel like minecraft was new again!
The server is a great place for other game devs or just fans of the company to chill and show their interest in the game while also joining in on the decision process of the game.
[𝖲𝖶 𝖱𝖯] 𝖫'𝖠𝗎𝖻𝖾 𝖽'𝗎𝗇𝖾 𝖤𝗋𝖾 𝖭𝗈…
▬▬▬ 🌘[SW RP] L'Aube d'une Ere Nouvelle🌒 ▬▬▬ Le Premier Ordre, la Résistance ... ce sont désormais des souvenirs lointains.. En un siècle de déroulement depuis la chute du Dernier Ordre, une Nouvelle Ere vit le jour...
Привет, мы клан BADочки. Оставайся с нами, скоро здесь будет крутой движ!
Warlock Community
Somos uma comunidade de Magos, Bruxos e Feiticeiros espalhados entre os 4 cantos do planeta.
Cobit Studios
This is Discord server of Cobit Studios. Here you can chat and have a nice time with other Cobit Studio's users. Have fun!
Wye Community
This server is basically a Minecraft Community. we have our own SMP, So Join our sever and enjoy. join our discord and start playing. Streamers are invited.
Cerchi compagnia, divertimento...vuoi conoscere persone con le tue stesse passioni sui videogiochi? Il pianeta Maapix ti aspetta con i giochi che vuoi TU e quando vuoi TU.